Friday, 18 February 2011

Rivaling in relation to my Newspaper

R- Through my newspaper I'm trying to re-present the youth of Bromley in a positive light, showing the wider public that as a group; 17-22 year old are a group that needs to be heard/ recognized and credited for the positive strides they take to better themselves. I find for most young people, they often finds themselves misunderstood; the way in which I re-present them through my newspaper will help youths identify with their community and their peers.

I- As the institution producing this paper, i have decided to produce a transparent view of the youth of Bromley. I decided to do this because i think it makes the paper edgy and more relevant; rather than a watered down, over filtered take of the youth in the community. This much is clear in the choice of my featured "hard news story". I didn't think that sugar coating the paper would have done me any favours when trying to re-present the youth of the area. The design is relatively conventional, I'm trying to do something different but not to different.on thing i have learnt whilst producing media text for my coursework is that conventions work and successful ones are often associated with a brand, so adopting often used conventions wont hurt.

V- I believe to make this paper successful all i need to do is consistently follow a simple set of values in order for my paper to easily be categorized. Adopting a set of conventions and sticking to them combined with honest and transparent reporting is all i need to get by. well written stories and good quality pictures along with a creative twist should do the job.

A- As mention before my preferred readership is between the ages of 17- 22,to satisfy this age group i have to appeal to them through the appropriate use of language, colors, pictures and style of reporting. I appreciate that i have to take into consideration that what i produce wont appeal to all, however i cant forget that i have to make my product widely accessible so diverse groups of people with individual preferences can still enjoy it.

L- For the language, i want to be able to provide a easily readable style of reporting but remain informative and entertaining. I hope people will take to this style of address because i think it would make the articles read better and present an untainted take on a stories.

I- I want to share my ideology that that youths can make positive contributions to the community that they belong to rather than the often used stereotype that youths are irresponsible individuals.

N- The narrative of the paper is extremely important, i belive for this paper to read smoothly the narrative has to be well coordinated. by doing this the paper has a stream of information taking the readers on a journey, from one story to another there is a link which would take the reader from one articale to another although they would be reading completly different stories the same theme would keep cropping up the positivity amogst youth.

G- The genre of my newspaper will come under the tabloid catorgary, although my stories are of a somewhat serious nature; I class my paper as a tabliod based on the mode of address. I chose to use formal language so I could connect with my readers easily. i decided that writting as it would be said would be the best way to do this.

Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Demographics Profile

My newspaper is called the The Bromley Bite, this name connotes the style of the paper, producing chunks of information in "bites".
The basic profile of the readers of my newspaper would be defined by their; social class economic status and their educational background. The compilation of these things would give me a demographic profile of my likely readers, this way i would have better idea of whom I'm targeting. My core readership would be young males between the ages of (17 and 21) their educational backgrounds would be from college/ sixth form students processing to university and university students. Although this is my core audience this does not mean that other age groups are exempt from reading my newspaper; i believe anyone could see the front cover and want to read it; however the paper is targeted to a specific group.
Being students, their economic status would be from D to E. On the VALS system

3 Stories for my paper

For my three stories i have picked two hard news stories and one soft story.

My front page story will be covering the story of the young man who was kidnapped and violently beaten in the Bromley area.I think this story would appeal to my target audience because Bromley is an area unaccustomed to such crimes. Besides this the man who was kidnapped is within my target market age range so other people within this age range may be interested in the story.

My second story will also be a hard story about the stabbing death of a 24 year old Bromley youth, even though the victim is just outside of my target range i believe this story would still be relevant to my paper.

My third news story will be about a sporting topic. the story i will coverabout young boxer trying to reach the championship of the amateur boxing association, the boxer himself is 22 (within my age target), i believe people within this age group would want to read upcoming sporting figures within their own age group.

Monday, 14 February 2011

This is a hard news story about the stabbing death of a 24 year old Bromley youth, even though he is just outside of my target range i believe this story would still be relevant to my paper.


This story is about young boxer trying to reach the championship of the amateur boxing association, the boxer himself is 22 (within my age target), i believe people within this age group would want to read upcoming sporting figures within their own age group.


this story is about the last minuet thriller from Millwalls recent game, i choose this story as a possible feature because the team are widely supported throughout the Bromley area


This story is based on the youth parliament within the Bromley area. I believe this would appeal to the youths in my target market because some of them may be interested in becoming a member of the youth parliament.


this story is based on a group of bromley youths who have been selected to perform on a west end stage.

This would be a great addition to my second page as a lighter story enlightening residence of the area of some emerging musicians within the area.


This story would be in a sports section in the newspaper, i chose this one because the story is about a young sprinter setting his sights on Olympic success, the youth in question is within the age of my target age group, so i thought success stories of young people would be a positive look for my paper.

This story covers the violent kidnapping of a young man within the Bromley area, the young man was violently beaten and kidnapped over a 500 pound debt. I think this story would appeal to my target audience because Bromley is an area unaccustomed to such crimes. Besides this the man who was kidnapped is within my target market age range so other people within this age range may be interested in the story.


This is a lighter story based on the arts, this story is informing readers of a concert within the Bromley area.


This story would be in a sports section in the newspaper, i chose this one because the story is about a starlet making a move from fulham fc to bromley fc, the youth in question is within the age of my target age group, so i thought success stories of young people would be a positive look for my paper.

Thursday, 10 February 2011


Above is a preliminary design of my newspapers logo, I tried to vary the fonts to make each word stand out. Concerning the colors, I chose them "Hot pink" and "Teal" to connote the male and female readership I'm targeting.

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

This is the first attempt at the construction of my newspaper. At the momnet i'm not to skilled with the Mac program Indesign and this draft shows as much. however in time i hope to build upon my skills and produce a professional lookin newspaper.

Newspaper Research

The Bromley Times

The Bromley Times is a free weekly tabloid newspaper for the London Borough of Bromley, however the paper is also distributed in the suburbs of Orpington, Chislehurst, Biggin Hill and Beckenham. the paper is also published by Kentish Times Newspapers, a branch of Archant London. The editorial offices are in Sidcup.The paper Is distributed in several different ways; besides the door-to-door deliveries, a small number of copies are also sold in supermarkets and petrol stations, and more are distributed by handout at Bromley South railway station and the Walnuts Shopping Centre in Orpington. beside the hard copies, a daily e-edition is also available on the papers website website.

Bromley News Shopper

Formally known as the Bromley News Shopper Series is under the ownership of the Newquest Media group. The paper joined the ABC bureau in 1986, since then the paper has been able to average total of 73,770 copies per issue. beside the print version, the news shopper is available in web form via their website.

The Metro (London)

The Metro free paper was launched on the 16th of March in 1996, the publication is joint owned by the daily mail and General trust. the paper is distributed in other parts of the uk however the content is based on the region it is being distributing in. beside London the metro is also distributed in Brighton, Cardiff, Swansea & Newport, East Midlands , Liverpool,North East, North West, Scotland, West Country, Midlands and Yorkshire. The paper is distributed in large amounts at train stations roadside stands and local airports.

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Newspaper measurments

Front page
• Width of page – 29cm
• Left margin of page – 1cm
• Right margin of page – 1.3cm
• Top margin of page – 1.2cm
• Bottom margin of page – 0.9cm
• Gutter space between text – 0.5cm
• Main story picture – 16cm length by 15cm width
• Mast head – 18cm length by 5cm width
• Advert – 26.5cm length by 7cm width
• Plug for future articles – 5.5cm length by 5cm width
• Column of text – 10cm length by 5cm width

2nd page
• Whole page – 33.7cm length by 26.5cm width
• Gutter space between adverts – 0.5cm
• Weather – 20cm length by 11cm width
• Main advert – 23.8cm length by 14.7 width
• Contact us block – 8cm length by 15cm width
• Advert placed top right of page – 7.5cm by 10.6cm width
• Left margin of page – 1.3cm
• Bottom margin of page – 0.7cm
• Top margin of page – 1.7cm
• Right margin of page – 1.6cm

Newspaper page two annotations

Newspaper annotations

Monday, 7 February 2011

Bromley times sketch and notes

The following sketches are of an issue of the Bromley Times newspaper, i made these sketches to analyse the layout of the paper and to identify the conventions used.

The first thing that caught my attention was the placement of advertisments. Advertising is used to fund the various operations of a newspaper, this is why on all pages you would see nurmerous adverts dotted around the page.